AllDup Translation
The user interface of the software AllDup is inherently available in German and English language. Here you get information about the translation of the user interface into another language or helping with an existing translation.- Available Translations
- Setup & Update File
- Help with an existing translation
- Start a new translation
- Send us the new translation
- Format of the language file
- Translation tools
Available Translations
Language | Translator | Version | File Name |
Arabic | Mfm Dawdeh | 4.3 | lang_ara.txt |
Chinese (Simplified) | sishentibu, 大眼仔~旭(Anan) | 4.5.62 | lang_chi.txt |
Chinese (Traditional) | StarOS, Hulen(破滅刃) | 4.5.48 | lang_cht.txt |
Czech | Petr Vobořil | 4.5.42 | lang_cze.txt |
Danish | Torben Skalshoej | 4.5.28 | lang_dan.txt |
Dutch | Fred van Waard | 4.5.60 | lang_dut.txt |
English | Michael Thummerer | 4.5.64 | lang_eng.txt |
Finnish | VeikkoM | 4.2 | lang_fin.txt |
French | JP.Quélo, Largo | 4.5.60 | lang_fre.txt |
Greek | Pandelis Zeniodis | 4.3 | lang_gre.txt |
Hungarian | Döbröntei Sándor | 4.2 | lang_hun.txt |
Italian | Gennaro Esposito, Cesare Tarabocchia, Giacomo Margarito, Roberto B. | 4.5.54 | lang_ita.txt |
Korean | Venusgirl | 4.5.62 | lang_kor.txt |
Polish | Fresta, dmocha | 4.5.60 | lang_pol.txt |
Portuguese (Brazil) | Havokdan | 4.5.60 | lang_bpo.txt |
Russian | Maxim | 4.5.48 | lang_rus.txt |
Slovenian | Jadran Rudec | 4.5.58 | lang_slo.txt |
Spanish | Andrés Fulco | 4.5.13 | lang_spa.txt |
Swedish | Sopor | 4.5.26 | lang_swe.txt |
Thai | Ladapa | 4.0 | lang_tha.txt |
Turkish | Omer F. Altiparmak | 4.4.54 | lang_tur.txt |
Ukrainian | Xemera | 4.5.40 | lang_ukr.txt |
Vietnamese | Khoa Nguyen | 4.5.37 | lang_vie.txt |
of the application folder. (e.g. C:\Program Files\AllDup\lang)
Setup & Update File
The installation files of AllDup are currently available in the following languages:- Arabic
- Chinese
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Korean
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Slovenian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Ukrainian

The custom texts of the installation files can be found in the
file, which is stored in the sub lang
folder of the application folder. (e.g. C:\Program Files\AllDup\lang)
You also can use the command
Open language file installer.txt
at the menu Language
to open the file installer.txt
with your text editor.
Tip: You should save the file
with another name before editing the content.
Help with an existing translation
If you have fixes, comments or suggestions about a translation, please contact the translator by E-Mail (see E-Mail address inside the language file).Start a new translation
- Start AllDup and use the command
Create language file lang.txt
at the menuLanguage
. This will create a copy of the filelang_eng.txt
. - Activate the option
Use the language file lang.txt
at the menuLanguage
. - Use the command
Open language file lang.txt
at the menuLanguage
to open the filelang.txt
with your text editor. - Please read the notes below and the section Format of the language file before you start with the translation.
- Restart AllDup to review your current translation.
- Do not translate product names such as 'AllDup', 'Windows', ...
- Take care if you use an automatic translation tool such as google translator or similar to translate the English text file into your language. Such tools will break the format of the language file and create wrong translations of the English text. In such a case, after the automatic translation, you should compare each translated line with the original English text and check whether the automatic translation was carried out correctly and adjust the translation if necessary.
- Sometimes a translated text needs more space to fit into the layout of the user interface: create a screenshot of the truncated text and send us the screenshot to
. - The translation file must be saved with a UTF-16 header.
Send us the new translation
Please send us the translation fileslang.txt
and installer.txt
after you completed the translation.
We will review your translation and release it with the next update of AllDup.
In return for translating the software into a new language we offer you a free business license of our commercial folder sync and backup software AllSync.
Format of the language file
- Lines with text of the user interface possesses the following format: Number,"Text"
- Lines with comments starting with the character # (Number sign): # This is a comment
- Lines always have to be separated by CR+LF at the end of a line (Carriage Return & Line Feed)
- Inside the text file there can also be empty lines
Format expression | Translate? | Description |
Number | No | Identification number |
"Text" | Yes | Text in quotes |
# ... | No | Comments |
Please pay attention to the following rules:
- Only change the text inside the quotes.
- The text must always be given in quotes:
WRONG: 900,"Are you sure? <-- Missing quote at the end
CORRECT: 900,"Are you sure?" - Don't use any quotes inside the quoted text:
WRONG: 1200,"Delete file "%1" from this folder?"
CORRECT: 1200,"Delete file '%1' from this folder?" - The number and the text only have to be separated by one comma:
WRONG: 900 "Are you sure?" <-- Missing comma
WRONG: 900 , "Are you sure?" <-- Leading and trailing spaces
CORRECT: 900,"Are you sure?" - Don't remove any leading or trailing spaces inside the quotes:
2000,"Process: "
2010," Bytes copied"
The text can contain different placeholders:
Placeholder | Description |
%1, %2, %3, ... | Placeholder for text or numbers |
%! | word wrap (Carriage Return & Line Feed) |
The translated text must always contain all placeholders of the original text. Don't remove any placeholders and don't add new placeholders.