Do you happen to catch yourself at being too lazy to look through the results of numerous photo sessions and delete copies or bad images? And what if you’re on holiday in some completely fantastic place where everything needs to be taken pictures of? You cannot stop pushing the button on your camera at the same time being absolutely sure that only the biggest resolution is suitable for those perfect pictures. But later looking through those fifteen shots of an old oak tree by the ancient castle wall you realize that the duplicates are to be urgently removed. The boring process may become quick and simple when using special freeware like AllDup that helps manage and remove photo duplicates.
Why do I have duplicates?
Practically the same photos taken one after another are no better than folders of backup copies and unexpected duplicates. On PC pictures may be copied, then pasted, renamed, resized or edited – and in all these cases the originals are still kept. As a result duplicate images appear in different folders or under different names taking valuable space and causing file disorder. AllDup helps find and remove all possible image dupes according to user-defined parameters.
AllDup Functionality
AllDup is an easy-operating program for duplicate file removal with miscellaneous functions and user-friendly interface. The program enables a user to find copies of files with any extension: all kinds of images (.jpg, .bmp, .gif), music files (.mp3, .wma, .ogg, .acc), Word or Excel documents in any folders or archives (.zip, .rar). Intuitive menu lets simply choose the preferable actions of AllDup. Found dupes can be sorted and managed right in the program and either completely removed or restored.
Finding photo duplicates
AllDup provides all possible search modes including search with user-defined conditions. The program let you find files with similar names saved in different folders or files with identical contents no matter what their names are. Photo search by size or folder name is available and mp3 tags of music files can be also ignored. The results of the duplicate image search may be kept as a text file if needed and the built-in viewer lets preview found clones before final removal.
No more dupes!
Deleting duplicate image files surely saves time and space on PC, which is extremely urgent today. In search of copies images can be obviously processed by external graphics editors. This program is free and it lets conduct duplicate file search through one of its toolbar options and provides handy image preview mode. In its turn AllDup offers a variety of search filters and finds any kind of files.